Ministries - Worship
For anyone age 10 to 100. Acolytes assist at the altar during all regular Sunday services and at special services throughout the year. Acolytes contribute to our worship by being physically useful as crucifers, servers, and torch bearers, and at the same time learn more about the liturgy and why we worship the way we do.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a small but dedicated group of St. Matthews members who
prepare the altar for Sunday services and other occasions, such as Spanish
services, baptisms and funerals. The members sweep the altar floor, clean
the baptism bowl, put new wicks in the candle lighters and tackle other duties,
usually in less than an hour each Saturday morning.
The St. Matthew's Parish choir is a vibrant spirit-filled group of 11 singers who support the parish in music accompanied by organ and/or piano. These incredibly dedicated people are committed to their ministry and strive to make music that supports the liturgy that praises God and exalts the Spirit.
"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs." Psalm 100, vs. 1&2
The power of the Spirit is present in our parish community as we praise God through our corporate worship supported by these wonderful musical people. Members joined by other members of groups in the church share their talents by singing at area care centers, especially at holiday time. They are called on to support corporate singing at funerals and weddings, as well as diocean events.
Time takes its toll on us but we add new members and stay on our feet to enhance the worship of our Lord.
Eucharistic Ministers
The Eucharistic Minister assists the Priest at regular Sunday worship and other services that may involve communion. The Eucharistic Minister carries the chalice of wine ("the blood of Christ") and is helpful to the priest in this important sharing of the elements of our faith. It is a privilege to help with this vital part of our journey together as Christians.
Eucharistic Visitors
This important ministry began approximately 20 years at St. Matthews. We began training members of the parish to provide blessed communion elements to those who could not attend regular services due to illness or temporary disability. We have maintained contact with our brothers and sisters over the years who could not otherwise be in church. It is and has been an important ministry for the parish.
We have a small but dedicated group of Greeters who weekly welcome worshipers as they enter the church for worship. They assist any newcomers with questions they may have and ask them to sign the guest book so that there is a record of their address and phone number for a followup contact.
A portion of our worship is hearing and responding to the Word of God through the Holy Scriptures from the Old and New Testaments. St. Matthew's has an excellent and dedicated cadre of Lectors, both adult and youth, who are responsible for this portion of each service. It is the responsibility of the Lector to study, understand and prepare the assigned reading so that he/she may communicate with the congregation the intellectual, emotional and aesthetic meaning of the scripture being read.
The Ushers greet people at the door as they come in for worship and hand them service sheets and any other special handouts. They also assist anyone who has special needs such as the use of the wheel chair ramp. They greet newcomers and ask them to sign the guest book as well as answering any questions that they might have. In addition, the Ushers along with members of the Men's Group have traditionally put on a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday. This has been a very popular activity over the years.
Community of Chaplins
This commissioned ministry group of members originated from the Community of Hope International, and is based on Benedictine Spirituality. The mission of the program is to develop a community of Lay-Chaplains, united in prayer, and trained for the purpose of supporting the pastoral needs of St. Matthew’s and the wider community. The Lay Chaplains usually go in pairs and visit shut-in parishioners, those in the hospital, retirement homes and, in some cases, a home visit to someone who would just enjoy the company. Some Chaplains are also commissioned as Eucharistic Visitors, so including communion along with the visit may also be provided. “The ministry of presence” is a gift of grace to both care receivers and Lay Chaplains.
As of 2017 this ministry is in its 15th year at St. Matthews. There are currently nine Lay-Chaplains serving. The Chaplains meet once a month for Circle of Care to pray, share, enjoy continuing education, and support and encourage one another.