Ministries - Committees


The Vestry is the governing body of the parish. The Vestry consists of six elected members that serve two year terms. The Rector and the Treasurer are also Vestry members which makes a total of eight Vestry members. One half of the elected Vestry is selected each year. Our Vestry is very active , focused and work together extraordinarily well in handling the administrative issues of the parish.

Properties Committee

The Properties Committee is responsible for the maintenance of the church building, the old chapel building, and the surrounding property. Through the efforts of this committee we are fortunate to have a facility that is well maintained and in excellent repair. This committee is generally chaired by the Junior Warden. The committee chair and the Clerk of the Works work closely together on many of the committee's projects.

Evangelism Committee

Proclaim & spread Good News of God in Christ. Work at welcoming visitors & provide means for their assimilation into the life of the parish family. Plan and evaluate advertising, opportunities for inviting new persons.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for review of all of the various financial issues that emerge as a part of the administration of the parish. The committee is responsible for monitoring the budget, and recommending corrective action for items that are over budget. The committee is also responsible for reviewing non-budget financial transactions and making recommendations on how to deal with these issues. Issues of a minor nature are dealt with by the committee. The committee makes recommendations to the Vestry for major issues.

Hospitality Committee

The hospitality committee has a very important place in the life of the parish. There are a number of special events during the church year that require the attention committee such as special holy days, funerals, visitations, receptions, coffee hour, and other functions that require preparation and serving of food. The cleanup following these activities is also the responsibility of this committee. The chairperson of this committee has the primary responsibility of coordinating these activities, as well as making sure that all needed supplies are available in the kitchen. This necessitates numerous trips to grocery stores and wholesale distributors. Some of these activities, such as serving a meal to the family and friends after a funeral, have to be done on very short notice. This committee has always been able to meet the challenge and do whatever it takes to get the job done in trying circumstances.

Stewardship Committee

It is the task of the Stewardship Committee to aquaint parishioners with stewardship opportunities within the parish. In the fall of each year the committe arranges for members of the congregation to speak about what stewardship of time, talent and money means to them. This program usually extends over a one month period leading up to Commitment Sunday when parishioners turn in their pledges of time, talents and money for the coming year.

Worship Commission

The Worship Commission deals with the liturgical aspects of the worship services of the parish such as service schedules, readings, music, special services, and all other issues the need to be dealt with in order to provide a meaningful worship experience.

Pastoral Care Committee

St. Matthew's Pastoral Care Committee serves the church through 4 primary areas: 'Tele-Care' ministry; early childhood church education; funeral receptions; and the delivery of Christmas baskets to ill or aged members of the congregation. All of these services are accomplished through the faithful efforts of many individuals. Tele-care - Two groups meet once every 6 weeks to call each member of the congregation and to spend time praying for the needs and concerns of those called. Early Childhood Education - we provide activities and Bible story-time in the Children's Worship Center during each Sunday's morning service. Funeral receptions - we coordinate and serve receptions for all funerals held at St. Matthew's. Christmas Baskets - we fill Christmas baskets and deliver them to older or infirm members of the congregation during the holiday season. The Pastoral Care Committee coordinates all of these activities which represent the involvement of a variety of individuals in St. Matthew's congregation

Service Schedule


11:00 AM - Holy Eucharist


9349 E 65th Street
Raytown, MO 64133

Phone: (816) 353-4592
