Ministries - Organizations
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church offers an active Episcopal Church Women group that is part of the Dioceses of West Missouri. The focus of the ECW is mission and ministry. We are women who love God, care about each other and share the love of Christ. We meet at the church bi-monthly on the first Saturday at 1:30 p.m. See Events or Calendar for the next meeting. Come join us.
For a current list of officers and contact information click here
Prayer Shawl Ministry
St. Matthew's Prayer Shawl Ministry was started in July of 2008 by a parshioner. She not only started the ministry; but also taught knitting to those who had no prior knitting skills. The group meets every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. at St. Matthew's. Since the start up of the Knitting Ministry many Prayer Shawls have been given to those in need of comfort, celebration or joy. Each shawl is blessed by the Rector and, has a prayer card attached.
Men's Group
On the second Saturday of each month, the men of St. Matthew's host a breakfast at 8 a.m. to enjoy some good fellowship. All men in the parish are welcome, and we occasionally enjoy having guests from other churches. We use our funds, gathered through small donations for the breakfasts, to support church activities. And we pitch in where needed to help maintain the church.